Thursday, 16 October 2008

Big brother

Over the last few months, following legal advice, I have been unable to write here. After a police raid on my flat and subsequent arrest it appears that allegations had been made against me. Part of the problem relates back to my former employers. Having clashed with two managers, both homophobic and steeped in the aura of their own authority, I had challenged them. The whys and wherefores are too long and complicated to go in to. Truth was twisted and distorted, ridiculous allegations where made. The fact that someone such as myself had the temerity to stand up against them obviously was considered a challenge to their authority. Having lost everything, job, my own equipment, tools, holiday pay and so forth, I was angry, justifiably so. Further allegations where made. It now transpires that my blog pages where being monitored by various people. This includes the police, they actually admitted that and had taken sections of my scribblings as evidence. It makes one wonder, do they actually spend time checking up on my trips as well. The mind boggles at the thought of the police actually checking out my grid references etc. One more, my whole past was thrown in my face. My background, history, everything was mauled over and dragged out again for another public airing. Today, having been on police bail for several weeks, someone has finally realised that there is no case against me that would stand up in court and all charges have been dropped. How do I feel? Well, maybe a tad relieved, however, bitter and further removed from mainstream society. Slowly, slowly I am edging toward the idea of just walking out on everything.


John Stevens said...

Dawn, I don't know if you remember my part in your departure from your former employer; I spoke at your tribunal, and was honest. I witnessed very little of what happened; and I didn't really understand what was going on.

I know that you won't want to write much here, but those cards had nothing to do with you did they? I have left that company, but sometimes reflect back on goings on, and that is an episode that makes no sense to me.

I'm really sorry to hear about your health, and wish you all the best.


Dawn said...

Hi John. Many thanks, it was a difficult time. The cards and so forth where indeed nothing to do with me. In fact it was proven that I was in the Hebrides when a few of the cards where posted in London.
Basically there where two factors at play, one of which was a serious objection to the fact I was transgender. People where against it. The accusations made where proven to be ridiculous and where eventually thrown out by the police. Dawn