Sunday, 30 March 2008


Watching the news concerning the recent events in Jersey saddens me. It makes me wonder too. It is portrayed as something that is uncommon. Unfortunately that is not the case. Abuse in institutions in the UK has been an all too common event. Ok, nowadays there is much more scrutiny. having said that, I am sure it still occurs. In the past deaths, injuries, violence, abuse of authority, they have all been a too common occurrence. Often the powers that be would sooner not know exactly what happens inside the walls of these places. The type of people in these places had no voice to speak for them. They where not in the main stream of society. many had no family. If they died, the attitude was, 'well so what'! It was all too easy to ignore what happened.
Abuse occurs in many forms, from actual physical violence and sexual abuse, to abuse by medication, the liquid cosh. Heavy doses of tranquilizers, sleeping draughts and so forth. Drugs administered on an experimental basis. Electro convulsive therapy, usually administered with an anaesthetic but not always. It has all happened and in recent times too.
For me these things are very real. My own view of this dark side of society has left me with no trust in any form of authority. yes, I am highly cynical and I believe I have a right to be.
In answer to the person who e mailed me. Ok, I respect your request to remain anonymous. Yes, I could go further in to detail, however, I consider that this is not the place to do so. originally I had intended this place to be separate from my outdoor blogging site. Somehow though the two sites run parallel. It is obvious that anyone reading my outdoor blogs may wander in this direction. There are folks out there who know who I am. It would be too awkward and I would be uncomfortable with people knowing my background chapter and verse. Let me just say, I know what I am writing about. Yes, I have there, seen it all, experienced it first hand.
it is a common occurence that quite often staff in these forms of institutions are there because of their own personality disorders. Like attracts like. Studies have shown that people put in a position of authority over others will abuse that authority. It becomes a heady mix, authority equals power. In some cases, given their position of power, there are those who will accept no challenge from anyone, either staff or inmate. Some will relish that. Others, introduced in to a regime of authority and rule will become, over time, hardened to it so that gradually it becomes the norm.

1 comment:

Kinky King said...

You sound like a tragically sad individual that doesn't realise what she has got. You bang on in your blog how you wanted to be reconfigured and then when you are you're still not happy. Sad. What will make you happy? Will you ever be happy? You seem blame everyone else for things that have gone wrong in your life but don't take any responsibility for your own actions. To me you are a PD freak. Good luck to you as you will never be content or able to admit your failings. It's just easier to blame everyone else isn't it?